The Narrative Enneagram Certified Practitioner Logo


The Enneagram is a powerful mapping tool for personal growth and collective transformation. It describes the structure and dynamics of nine personality types, opening a pathway to more self-awareness, integration, and a rewarding life.

The nine-pointed symbol represents nine distinct strategies for relating to the self, others, and the world. Each Enneagram type has a different pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting that arises from a deeper inner motivation or worldview. Through understanding our personality type, emotional defenses, our automatic reactions, and resources specific to our type the Enneagram creates opportunities for personal growth and more successful relationships.

A 75 min. Enneagram typing interview followed by a one-hour follow-up session is recommended to begin this work. Subsequent 1-hour sessions are available for continued growth and exploration.  

The work Sandra has been doing with me around utilizing the Enneagram has been quite eye opening. The information is helping me at work in being a better leader and co-worker, it is helping me in my personal relationships to understand my interactions and most importantly it is a great tool for partnering with my personal growth. The insights I am gaining are providing me more focus and clarity so that I can achieve the life I deserve. I had no idea how powerful or telling a single digit number could be.