
Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is an artful technique of providing a sacred space for individuals to name and claim their personal experience of the Divine, God, ground of being or however they name their higher power.  Sandra offers a safe non-judgmental space to listen deeply and help companions explore spirituality in their own unique way. Through examination and exploration the seeker is assisted in perceiving the Divine’s presence in their life, responding authentically, and celebrating the transformations that occur.  Unpacking challenges of faith, exploring how life experiences have impacted their spiritual life, loss, grief, joy, integrating spirit with mind/body, and discerning what their soul longs for are among areas of examination.

Sessions are an hour long and frequency is up to the seeker. Often monthly sessions work well but can shift to stay attentive to what is needed along the journey. A complimentary 30 min. meet and greet is recommended to confirm the desire to move forward prior to scheduling an hour session.

Sandra completed a 3 yr. program through the Charlotte Spirituality Center and is a member of Spiritual Directors International.


The Greek word “paraclete” generally means called to one’s side as an advocate, intercessor, and/or comforter which describes Sandra Boozer. Sandra has walked along side me, helping me discern and articulate my soul’s greatest questions, groanings, and wonder.